Asghar quizzes First Minister on Ebbw Vale-Newport rail link

National Assembly Member Mohammad Asghar questioned the First Minister on the future of the Ebbw Valley rail link to Newport in the Senedd on Tuesday afternoon.

Mr Asghar, who represents the South Wales East region, asked First Minister Carwyn Jones whether he could give a “precise promise” as to when trains from Ebbw Vale would “start running directly into Newport”.

He added: “Numerous traders across Newport believe that a direct rail link between Ebbw Vale and the city is essential for their future survival.”

He also asked the First Minister whether he agreed that the direct rail link would “provide … traders with significant opportunities to flourish in these tough economic times”.

First Minister Carwyn Jones responded: “We are committed to remodelling Gaer junction to ensure that trains can come into Newport on the Ebbw valley line. It is important that people travelling from stations down the line from Ebbw Vale have access to Newport as well as to Cardiff, and we are working with Newport Rail to ensure that that happens”.

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