Asghar: WAG must take urgent action to meet specific needs of rural communities

The Welsh Assembly Government must ensure that the specific needs of rural communities are met, says National Assembly Member Mohammad Asghar.

In a debate brought forward by the Welsh Conservatives on Wednesday, South Wales East AM Mr Asghar said: “A healthy, prosperous and competitive rural Wales is so important for the nation.

“A little under one third of the population live in rural communities and yet these communities face significant challenges, with many in need of considerable regeneration.

“Rural areas tend to enjoy better employment levels than our urban communities, and statistics show that people living in rural Wales also tend to possess higher levels of qualifications than in other areas, demonstrating their great potential.

“Our many beautiful rural communities have long played a central role in Wales. It is sad to see them becoming less sustainable, with poverty levels, rising house prices and an increased sense of isolation taking their toll.

“I hope that the Welsh Assembly Government notes the urgent need to improve the economic competitiveness of our rural communities and acts accordingly“.

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