Bates: At last – a Newtown bypass!

Montgomeryshire AM Mick Bates is thrilled to welcome the long awaited announcement on the Newtown bypass and hopes that work can now get underway as early as possible.

Commenting on the news Mr Bates said:

“I am absolutely thrilled for the people of Newtown that the Government has at long last made a decision on the Newtown bypass.  The route chosen is the most sensible one and it is crucial now that preparation work gets underway immediately and contractors are appointed, to allow the earliest start date possible.

“It has been a long road since I first put the bypass into the Transport Plan in 2002 nearly a decade ago, when the Liberal Democrats were in government in the Assembly, but I am pleased that the scheme has been retained and I congratulate the Minister and Government on pursuing these plans.

“For many months now, traffic congestion has been choking tourism and trade in the town and Newtown has suffered as a result.  A bypass is of fundamental importance to the economy of Mid Wales and will bring huge benefits to the area.  In the meantime I will be keeping up pressure on the Minister to develop interim measures to relieve the current traffic problems that are causing such chaos in the town.”


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