Bates: High time for action on Dyfi Bridge improvements

Montgomeryshire AM Mick Bates has written to the Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones, calling for long overdue action to improve the Dyfi Bridge crossing in Machynlleth as continued delays have seen the bridge partially closed to the concern of local residents and road users.

Commenting Mr Bates said:

“The Dyfi Bridge is the first crossing of the Dyfi Estuary so it provides an important crossing point, bearing the daily burden of traffic crossing the river with North to South coastal travel.  When the river floods the arches are lost underwater, which forces the bridge to be closed and causes damage and erosion.

“It is high time for action on an improved river crossing at Dyfi Bridge, with a careful plan that reconciles the need for a crossing at this point on the Dyfi River with the need to protect and maintain this valuable structure to ensure it is preserved for the future.

“The Welsh Government has dragged its heels for too long and its inability to come to a decision and plan for the very necessary improvement has now resulted in the partial closure of the bridge.  Heavy traffic is being diverted many miles at great inconvenience.

“Business leaders, local people and visitors are tired with the lack of action to build a river crossing fit for purpose.  It is a basic necessity that a highway can carry traffic, especially on a key transport route such as the A487 and I have written to the Minister for urgent progress with rational plans to improve the situation for road users in Mid Wales.”

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