Be like Dylan and show you’ve got the write stuff

Swansea schoolchildren are being encouraged to follow in the footsteps of Dylan Thomas and show they’ve got the write stuff.

A writing competition called Finding Dylan has now been officially launched at Central Library in the Civic Centre as the search to find the city’s next potentially world famous wordsmith begins.

The competition is aimed at all of Swansea’s year six children due to leave primary school this summer.

Children are asked to write an essay, poem or diary of no more than 1,000 words on any of the following subjects: My Summer, My Team, My Swansea or My Wales.

Swansea Council is behind the competition in association with the University of Wales Dylan Thomas Prize.

Cllr Chris Holley, Swansea Council Leader, said: “Writing is such a magnificent gift and this is a great chance for Swansea’s children to unlock their imagination and show just how talented they are.

“We have a rich literary heritage in Swansea and in Dylan Thomas the city produced one of the world’s most accomplished and revered writers.

“I hope this competition will help unearth a star of the future whose work can one day command the same level of adoration and respect that Dylan’s still enjoys across the planet.”

Entries can be submitted in hand-written or email form but must be in by September 5 this year.

A short-list will then be announced in mid-October before the winner is unveiled at a special ceremony on November 9.

The judging panel will consist of authors, academics and distinguished former pupils of Swansea’s schools and universities. Comedian and television–radio presenter Chris Corcoran has already been confirmed as one of the judges.

Finding Dylan is being supported by Travel House and the winner will pick up a family break to Disneyland in Paris.

Have a look at for application details.

People can also call 01792 474051 for more information.

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