Best Selling Crimewriter comes to Sandfields Library

Best selling crime writer and library champion Stephen Booth will appear at Sandfields library in Port Talbot as part of a series of very successful Meet the Author events.

Stephen has developed a reputation as one of the UK’s finest crime writers. In 2000, his first published novel ‘Black Dog’ marked the arrival of his best known creations – two young Derbyshire detectives.

Black Dog was named by the London Evening Standard as one of the six best crime novels of the year. He has since gone on to win many accolades including a Barry Award, Anthony Award, Sherlock Award and a Crime Writers Association Award as well as being a finalist for the Theakston Crime Writer of the Year Award 2006 and 2007.

In recent years, Stephen has become a library champion supporting the UK wide ‘love libraries’ campaign.

The meet the author campaign has been running for three years and the well attended events always prove to be popular.

Residents from Sandfields will have the chance to get together to meet a top crime writer at an informal cultural and social gathering.

Council leader, Ali Thomas, said, “I’m pleased to see libraries in Neath Port Talbot hosting such high quality events.

“Modern day libraries provide a wide range of cultural and educational activities and are fast becoming places at the heart of communities.”


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