Big Rise in Hospital Patient Complaints Revealed by Plaid Cymru

Elin Jones AMComplaints by hospital patients about the way they have been treated have risen by up to 231% in some areas of Wales since 2009, according to information obtained by Plaid Cymru.

The Party of Wales submitted a Freedom of Information request to all seven Welsh health boards and the responses varied across the nation.

In Abertawe Bro Morgannwg complaints have risen from 298 in 2009 to 858 five years – up 188% later while in Cwm Taf there has been an increase from 166 to 551 (231%).

The most complaints have been dealt with by Cardiff & the Vale, which runs Wales’ biggest hospital, the University Hospital of Wales. It has had more than 7.200 complaints since 2008. While the next highest has been at Hywel Dda with 5,665 over the same period.

The highest areas of complaints relates to clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Elin Jones, Plaid Cymru’s Shadow Minister for Health, said: “For individuals, either as a patient or a relative, poor standards of care can have a dramatic impact on their lives.

“There has been a significant rise in complaints which is a matter of concern even though the complaints procedure may be more accessible.

“I note the significant rise in complaints within the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg which has been the centre of complaints by relatives of patients who received appalling treatment and are battling hard for justice and a full public inquiry.

“It is crucial that lessons are learnt when any failing has been identified and action taken to prevent that re-occurring and experiences passed to all various health boards.

“I fully accept the number of complaints represent a small proportion of those treated within the NHS and the vast majority of staff do fantastic job. But they are hampered by too few staff and too much paperwork. A Plaid Cymru  Government would train and recruit another 1,000 doctors and introduce a paperless NHS.”

The health boards’ response to the rise in complaints is to state the introduction of the NHS’ Putting Things Right process has led to a more visible and accessible complaints procedure with a single and consistent method for dealing with complaints.


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