Bike thefts warning

Police are issuing a warning as a result of Colwyn Bay and the surrounding areas suffering a number of bicycle thefts.

PC Scott Martin, Community Beat Manager for Colwyn Bay explained: “The vast majority of cycle thefts are done by opportunist. Someone sees a bike which is not secured or secured badly and takes it because it’s easy to do so.

“It takes just a few seconds for the opportunist to take a bike which is not secured. Most will ride the bike away.”

“To prevent this type of theft you should ensure that your bike is secured in such a way that it cannot be ridden away, by immobilising it in some way, preferably by securing it to a fixed immovable object every time you leave it unattended.”

North Wales Police, along with partner agencies and members of the public are committed to reducing the number of thefts of pedal cycles which occur in the area.

Anyone with information about who is responsible for these thefts, or the location of any stolen cycles is urged to contact Colwyn Bay Police Station on 101 or 0845 6071001 (Welsh line), 0845 6071002 (English line) or alternatively call Crimestoppers Wales anonymously on 0800 555 111.

North Wales Police offer the following advice to cyclists:

  • Lock it up, no matter how short a period of time you intend to be away for. Lock to something immovable and solid.
  • Leave it in a busy, public place where there is less opportunity for a thief to work unnoticed.
  • Spend a suitable amount of money. You do get what you pay for. Police guidelines suggest that you spend approx 10% of the value of your bike on a lock to secure it.
  • Don’t be fooled by cheap locks which look really beefy. Many cheap shackle locks can be broken with one blow of a brick or hammer. They may look the part, but you can guarantee that serious thieves know what they’re up against.
  • Take out insurance, either by extending your home contents insurance or through a separate policy. Cycling organisations and bike shops may offer specialist cover. Do this at the time of purchasing the bike; otherwise you may not get around to it.
  • Record your bicycle model, make, and frame number and description including any unique features.
  • Take a clear, colour photograph of your bike including any unique features, so that you can report it accurately if stolen.
  • Security mark the bicycle. A number of proprietary marking and tagging systems are available.

To be effective a security marking must:

  • be clearly visible – advertise that the bike is security marked or tagged. For example, attaching a clearly visible label is a simple option.
  • be secure – for example, by using a tamper-resistant label, etching, etc, or an inaccessible electronic device.
  • be placed in at least two separate locations, preferably on or in the frame. At least one of these locations should not be clearly visible.

North Wales Police have managed to obtain some cycle locks and marking kits to give away to members of the local community who feel they are particularly at risk of having their cycle stolen. These security items are available to be collected from West End Cycles, 121-127 Conway Road, Colwyn Bay.

These items are limited and on a strictly first come first serve basis. Once these items have gone, you can call into West End Cycles or Colwyn Bay Police Station to have your cycle security marked.


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