Black: Council Must Offer Some Certainty to St John’s House Residents

Peter_BlackThe Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member for South Wales West, Peter Black has called on Swansea Council to reassure residents living in St John’s House, Manselton about their future ahead of Christmas.

Mr Black was speaking following a visit to the home, where he met with residents and staff and listened to their concerns about proposals by the Labour-run Swansea Council to close three residential homes in the City in the next financial year.

“These proposals have come as a bombshell to residents and staff,” said Mr Black, “leaving them wondering whether they will have a job or if the place they have made their home will still be open in a year’s time. It is the worst possible Christmas present from the Council.

“Many families have also contacted me concerned about their relatives and in a number of cases whether the respite care afforded by the neighbouring St John’s Day Centre will still be available to them.

“It is unacceptable that this level of uncertainty has been visited on the elderly, the vulnerable and their families this close to Christmas. Swansea Council must come clean now on their intentions so that we can have a proper understanding of what they are trying to achieve, and to help put those whose homes and care are not under threat at ease.”

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