Bobby on the beat keeps kids off the street

Porthcawl East NPT PCSO Carl Westgate is a Bobby who is well and truly on the Beat!

Carl has launched an initiative which has given the term ‘Bobby on the Beat’ a brand new meaning.  For Carl is a part time DJ and he has set up his own specialist equipment in a local youth club in Griffin Park, Porthcawl on a Thursday night where he teaches local youngsters how to mix music.

Bobby on the Beat has attracted an enthusiastic following with some 30 youngsters joining the initiative on day one.

Communities and Partnerships Chief Inspector, Steve Jones said: “These youngsters would normally have been wandering the streets of Porthcawl at risk of getting involved in anti social behaviour, underage drinking or other youth disorder.

“Instead Carl has got them actively focusing their minds on music matters.  This is an excellent initiative that engages the youngsters in our community, involving them in positive activities.”

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