Bring a Friend to the Library on National Libraries Day

NLDrgb-250x187Thousands of people visit their local library every week, and in Denbighshire they are being asked to help bring in more people.

To celebrate National Libraries Day on Saturday February 8th  from 9.30-12.30,  library customers are invited to bring a friend to introduce them to the library.

“Everyone who uses their library knows what a wonderful community resource it is – for borrowing books, free internet, answers to enquiries, finding a job, learning something, coming to reading groups and rhymetimes, and many other reasons,” said Arwyn Jones of Denbighshire Libraries.

“Now we want our loyal customers to tell all their friends and family about it, and to invite them to come along with them on February 8th. New members will be very warmly welcomed and of course it’s all totally free.

“Our message is: ‘Love your library? Don’t keep it to yourself!’”

For further information on National Libraries Day: and

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