Burnham welcomes S4C reaction to Shortridge Report on corporate governance

Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member for North Wales, Eleanor Burnham, has welcomed the news that S4C has “taken ownership” of the recommendations contained in Sir Jon Shortridge’s review of its corporate governance.

Sir Jon was commissioned by the S4C Authority to undertake the review, which began in 2010 and which was published today.

Ms Burnham, Welsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Minister for Culture in the Assembly, said:

“Events over the past few months have shown that the management, governance and funding of S4C were in urgent need of review.

“Today’s report is the first step towards a new stability for all at S4C who are concerned with providing Welsh-language programming.

“Sir Jon has identified a number of areas for improvement for the future and a “root and branch” review is also underway throughout the organisation.

“I am particularly pleased to see that the Authority has taken the recommendations on board and that the whole process is to be closely monitored.

“A follow-up review is planned for Autumn 2011, when I look forward to seeing the positive results of the practical implementation of Sir Jon’s recommendations”.

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