Burns: Wales must retain internationally-recognised qualifications

Responding to the publication of the Welsh Government’s Review of Qualifications consultation, which questions whether GCSEs and A Levels are ‘fit for purpose’, Angela Burns AM, Shadow Minister for Education, said:

“Young people in Wales must have the option to pursue internationally-recognised qualifications, which they can take wherever in the world their future careers take them.

“Perhaps in addition to its biased questions, the Welsh Labour Government should also consult on whether its own policies are fit for purpose, rather than seeking to direct blame for their persistent failures on the qualifications themselves.

“When Wales is underperforming compared to other countries in the UK, why does the Minister assume that it’s the qualifications at fault rather the Labour Party’s failure to raise standards during 13 years in power?

“This document further highlights the Labour Government’s obsession with England and their pursuit of difference for its own sake instead of acting in the best interests of Wales.

“Ministers should be working to raise academic performance within the current examination framework rather than proposing a disruptive, costly and unnecessary reorganisation of qualifications.

“It is regrettable that at a time when AMs are examining how to make Assembly proceedings more relevant and topical, that the Deputy Minister chose to launch this major policy consultation elsewhere.”

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