
Elfyn Lewis’ exhibition ‘Bylchau’ was named as ‘Pick of the Week’ in the exhibition section of Saturdays Guardian (6/3/10). The exhibition will be on at St David’s Hall until March 27th along with Lowri Davies’ exhibition of Ceramics.

Both exhibitions have had a great response so far with high attendance figures and so well received by the public. If you haven’t had a chance to come and see the show yet, please come and have a look before the 27th.

The current exhibition at St David’s Hall is a feast for the eyes; Both Gold medal winners at last year’s National Eisteddfod exhibition, the work of Elfyn Lewis and Lowri Davies correspond beautifully. Whilst Lowri’s highly crafted porcelain vessels create graceful blank canvases for free flowing, intricate paintings and drawings, Elfyn Lewis’s luscious abstract paintings remind us, in a world awash with glossy digital imagery, of the simple beauty of paint, thickly spread onto small, jewel like canvases: it’s an exquisite show ! Angharad Pearce Jones: artist and chair of the National Eisteddfod Visual Arts Standing Panel.


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