Caerphilly announces cabinet reshuffle

The leader of Caerphilly county borough council has announced changes to his Cabinet which reflect the recent management restructure that will save the authority £1million over the next few years.

Cllr Lindsay Whittle explained, “I have revised the portfolio responsibilities of a number of my Cabinet members to ensure that the council’s executive reflects the changes to senior management that are being implemented across the organisation at the moment.”

“We are facing tough times ahead so we need to be ready to tackle the challenges and I’m confident that this revised structure gives us a more streamlined shape that will better serve the residents of the area. Here in Caerphilly we are better placed than most local authorities thanks to our careful planning and strategic approach to the way we manage our resources, so that any impact on the organisation and the wider community is kept to a minimum” he added.

CCBC operates a Cabinet system consisting of the leader and 8 other cabinet members with specific areas of responsibility such as education, social services, public protection and regeneration etc.

Earlier this week the council announced a series of changes to management arrangements across the organisation that will help improve efficiency and reduce costs.

The Cabinet has now been re-shaped to better reflect these changes and allows each Cabinet member to work closer with senior managers within defined portfolio areas.

The revised structure is as follows: –

  • Cllr Lindsay Whittle – Leader of Council
  • Cllr Allan Pritchard – Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member responsible for Human Resources, Legal, Policy and Governance
  • Cllr Colin Mann – Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member responsible for Corporate Finance and Procurement.
  • Cllr Lyn Ackerman – Cabinet Member for Public Services and Housing
  • Cllr Phil Bevan – Cabinet Member for Education, Lifelong Learning and Leisure
  • Cllr Ron Davies – Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Planning
  • Cllr Rob Gough – Cabinet Member for Public Protection, Engineering and Transport
  • Cllr Colin Hobbs – Cabinet Member Performance, Property and Asset Management
  • Cllr Judith Pritchard – Cabinet Member for Social Services

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