Caerphilly Duo Take on Three Peaks Challenge

3 Peaks 3Two Caerphilly County Borough Council employees are preparing themselves to climb the UK’s three biggest mountains in just 24 hours to raise money for three important charities.
James Hurley, 26, and Chloe Thomas, 20, are to take on the British Three Peaks Challenge next month to raise funds for Gofal Cymru, Velindre Hospital and the Neurosurgery Ward in the University Hospital Wales (Heath).

The Thursday 14th August challenge will see the intrepid duo race against the clock to scale Ben Nevis (Scotland), Scafell Pike (England) and Snowdon (Wales) in less than 24 hours.

James, who lives in Cefn Hengoed and works in the council’s Housing Benefits department, explained: “All three of these charities are extremely close to our hearts. Back in September 2011 my mother suffered a brain haemorrhage and was rushed into the Heath Hospital to be operated on. Whilst in hospital she had to go through major surgery to stop the bleed on her brain and remove two further aneurisms.

“Due to the excellent care she received from all the staff and nurses, my mother returned back to full time work with Caerphilly County Borough Council six months later and is back fitter than ever.”

Chloe, who lives in Pontlottyn and work in the council’s Council Tax department, added: “In October 2012 my grandfather was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, which changed our family life considerable and came as a bigger shock due to the fact he had never smoked and very fit and healthy at the time.

“Since being diagnosed he has undergone lots of treatment through Velindre and the excellent care and treatment he has received as kept him positive and fighting, which has encouraged me to raise money for this wonderful charity. Any money raised for Velindre is used to treat thousands of people in Wales also suffering with cancer.”

To support James and Chloe’s fund raising efforts, please email [email protected] or [email protected].


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