Caerphilly to celebrate World Book Day

Bookworms across the Caerphilly county borough will be able to celebrate World Book Day at their local library on Thursday March 4th.

Children all over the county borough will be flocking in to their local libraries for story times and librarians will be visiting local schools to help promote reading and a love of books amongst pupils.

The main aim of World Book Day is to encourage people to explore the pleasures of books and reading. World Book Day is the biggest celebration of books and reading in the UK and Ireland and this year Caerphilly Libraries want everyone to take part.

Ten new ‘Quick Read’ books will be available for World Book Day. These are short, sharp shots of entertainment written by bestselling writers and celebrities. The Quick Books are ideal for regular readers wanting a fast read and for those who have lost the reading habit or find reading tough.

As a special treat, Caerphilly County Borough Library Service has arranged for Welsh international rugby union referee Nigel Owens to visit Newbridge Rugby Club on March 4th. Nigel has now turned his hand to writing and his autobiography “Half Time” was published in November 2009. He will be talking to the audience in Newbridge about his life and career and there will be a question and answer session during the second part of the evening.

The event will begin at 7.00pm and tickets may be obtained free of charge from Newbridge Library. Please contact the library direct on 01495 243574.

You can also call into your local library and “Read your way around the world”. Libraries within Caerphilly will be hosting displays of books featuring fiction and non-fiction titles and authors from around the globe. Visit exotic locations and faraway places and all from the comfort of your own armchair.

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