Caerphilly waste collection update

Following the recent period of inclement weather, collection crews worked over the weekend on refuse, recycling and food waste, collecting in the region of 220 tonnes of waste.

They have been operating the normal rounds schedule yesterday  (Monday), with additional crews also collecting in areas affected by the backlog.

For the remainder of the week, extra crews will also be deployed on waste collections to ensure that we are up-to-date as soon as possible. The immediate priority will be placed on refuse collection with a planned approach to collecting the backlog during the early part of this week. The emphasis of the additional crews will be then switched to food and recycling collections to ensure that all additional waste caused by the weather is collected with scheduled collections returning to normal by the end of this week.

Hopefully local residents can appreciate the difficulties we have experienced and CCBC would like to thank everyone for their patience. Residents can be assured that all additional waste caused by the inclement weather will be collected alongside their waste containers.

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