Calls for a Cancer Co-ordinator for Wales

National Assembly Member Mohammad Asghar has joined Welsh Conservative colleagues in calling on the Welsh Government to introduce a cancer co-ordinator for Wales.

An opposition debate urged the appointment of an independent cancer co-ordinator, who could oversee the implementation of a National Cancer Plan, raise awareness, coordinate services and champion preventative measures.

Speaking in the Senedd on Wednesday, the South Wales East AM highlighted that such a step “has already been taken in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland”.

He added that a co-ordinator would be ideally placed to “ensure … effective dialogue took place between the Welsh Government, medical professionals, researchers and patients”.

Mr Asghar said: “A cancer co-ordinator would work to promote the role that healthier lifestyles play in reducing levels of cancer diagnoses.

“Wales faces numerous worrying public health issues. Tackling problems such as obesity, binge drinking and smoking is key in the fight against cancer.  The role of a co-ordinator is more important now than ever before.


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