Campaign to boost North Wales’ scared sites

Clwyd West AM Darren Millar has kicked off a campaign to boost North Wales’ sacred sites by calling on the Welsh Government to recognise the importance of religious tourism.

Speaking in a recent Welsh Conservatives debate in the Senedd, Darren Millar called on the Welsh Government to include religious and sacred sites in its Tourism Action Plan to provide a boost to the local economy and draw in new visitors.

Speaking after the debate Darren said:

“Tourism is the bread and butter of our local economy in North Wales and we are blessed with a number of important tourist attractions such as the Welsh Mountain Zoo and the Clwydian Range.

“However, there are also a number of important religious sites in our area such as holy wells in Holywell and Llanrhaeadr yng Nghinmeirch, historic churches and chapels such as St Asaph Cathedral and Rhug Chapel and the new North Wales Pilgrim’s Way which will shortly have its inaugural pilgrimage.

“Religious tourism is booming the world over and I want North Wales benefit from this renewed interest in sacred sites. The Welsh Government should do more to promote our religious heritage, not only would this provide a much needed boost for our local economy but it would also ensure new visitors continue to come to our area.”

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