Can you inspire others to take on their own Health Challenge?

Health Challenge Flintshire is a call to everyone – all people and organisations – to do as much as they can to improve health and well being.

In recent years, the Health Challenge Flintshire group has hosted annual events to share and celebrate the work of groups and organisations within the county who work to improve the health and well being of others.

In addition, this year, the group (led by the local Director of Public
Health) wants to extend this celebration to include individuals who have taken on their own challenge during 2009 and made significant changes to their lifestyle.

So if you made real changes to your lifestyle during 2009, continue to feel the benefit of these changes and would be happy to share with others what you did and what difference it has made to your health or how you feel, we would love to hear from you.

With your permission, we hope to share your story through our website – to inspire others living in Flintshire to make positive changes to their lives.

Please note that this invitation only relates to people who live in Flintshire and that no reference can be made or endorsement given to any business or commercial operation.

To find out more, please contact Helen Jones from the Good Health, Good Care Strategy Team on 01352 701429.


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