Cardiff Council Backs Fight Against Extremism

Cardiff Council has teamed up with the BME Women’s Film Club, the GOT (Getting On Together) Project and South Wales Police to host an event highlighting the dangers of extremism.

The half day of films, talks and discussion at Chapter Arts Centre between 10am and 2pm on January 17th aims to explore extremism in all its guises.

The event will include the screening of the GOT Project’s Challenging Extremism film and offers women from all backgrounds the opportunity to gain a better understanding of extremists and extremism, and to take part in an open debate on issues which are central to a healthy, democratic and integrated society – one which rejects the ideologies and violent actions of all extremists whatever their cause, faith or politics.

Among the speakers will be local Imam, Sheikh Mohamed Dahir, GOT Director, Barrie Phillips and the Council’s Community Cohesion Lead Officer, Robina Samuddin.

Councillor Judith Woodman, Deputy Leader of Cardiff Council, said: “It’s easy for individuals and groups to exploit people’s anger and frustration and lead them to destructive behaviour. Events like this help promote a zero tolerance for any kind of narrative that lures people into things that will ultimately ruin their lives. Our city is a very special place where people from a diverse range of nationalities and cultures live and work together. The more our citizens understand the dangers of extremism, the more they can help combat it.”


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