Cardiff Council Install 70 Kitchen and Bathrooms a Week to Meet WAG Housing Standard

Cardiff Council is on course to be one of the first authorities to meet the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) deadline in December 2012.  To achieve this goal, the Council is fitting 70 kitchens and bathrooms a week in its households.

Five contractors are working throughout the City on the 13,691 properties that Cardiff Council manages.  To date, 8,500 kitchens and bathrooms have been installed with contractors taking on local apprentices to provide job opportunities for the young and unemployed.

Deputy Leader, Cllr Judith Woodman, Executive Member for Communities, Housing and Social Justice said, “These improvements make a real difference to tenants, providing modern, safe and energy efficient homes and I am delighted the Planned Maintenance Team has overseen such a high standard of work.    It is also important in these difficult times that we have supported local contractors in this work who in turn have employed trainees and apprentices from local communities.  Congratulations to all on such an excellent effort.”

Colin Blackmore, Estates Improvement Manager for Cardiff Council said, “This is a massive achievement and I am thrilled for the tenants of Cardiff and proud of the huge effort of the Council’s Planned Maintenance Team.  Without their dedication, working in partnership with some fantastic local contractors it is difficult to see how this task could have been achieved.  We are now looking forward to our 10,000th kitchen and bathroom installation which we hope to install sometime in the autumn of 2011 then onto the final push in 2012.”


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