Cardiff Lightship gets a Lick of Paint with Love

Staff from KPMG have helped a charity ensure its iconic home is shipshape and ready for action.

A group of 20 from the tax, audit and restructuring teams at the company’s Cardiff Bay office have spent time restoring the Goleulong 2000 Lightship, which is moored in nearby Britannia Quay.

The volunteers helped to repaint both the outside and inside of the ship – including the main chapel, conference area and control bridge – as part of KPMG’s commitment to supporting the local community, which sees staff give up to half a day a month to volunteer and help local causes that are important to them.

Tom Dye of KPMG said the company was delighted to offer help to the charity.

“We have a close relationship with the Lightship and regularly undertake a treasury role for the charity as well as donating office space for its meetings,” he/she said.

“Staff wanted to build on this partnership and had a great time getting their hands dirty and helping the charity with its excellent work, and the chance to ‘brush up’ on some practical skills was one they thoroughly enjoyed.”

John Winton, chair of the Goleulong 2000 Lightship board of trustees, thanked the staff and KPMG for their support.

“The Lightship is a central feature of Cardiff Bay and offers space for refreshment, contemplation and prayer as well as being a visitor attraction with many interesting stories to be told,” he said.

“We welcome visitors from across the world who can tour the vessel and see its light tower, engine room and cabins.

“Like all charities, the Lightship is run as a not-for-profit venture which needs constant upkeep as part of its restoration, and we rely on voluntary help like that given by the KPMG staff to help with this work.

“We are very grateful to KPMG for all the support they have given us and the small ‘army’ of volunteers from the company really have given us a huge boost and spruced up the Lightship. Their willingness to  help is wonderful, and we can’t thank them enough for donating their time to us so we can continue our valuable work.”

Photograph: The staff from KPMG who helped spruce up the Lightship at Cardiff Bay  © Michael Hall

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