Carmarthenshire Cold Snap

Council gritter lorries will be out tonight as sleet and snow showers are forecast for Carmarthenshire.

Temperatures will again drop below zero with the risk of widespread ice throughout the county.

Gritter lorries and highways crews will be working through the night in order to keep the county as accessible as possible.

Motorists are being urged to take extra care, particularly on untreated surfaces, and to refer to ‘Traffic Wales’ for further advice on road conditions.

The council has increased its salt stock by 12 per cent this year, however, the recent cold weather and snow for many parts of the UK has seen an increasing demand on suppliers.
As a result, priority will be given to principal routes – this includes roads leading to hospitals, ambulance stations, fire stations, important bus routes etc – as well as emergency situations as and when they arise.

Director of technical services Richard Workman said: “Carmarthenshire is no different from any other local authority area in Wales and current stock levels are sufficient at present, however, it is important to conserve sticks during the present time as the forecast for the next 10 days is of continued low temperatures with the possibility of further snow.”

The Welsh Assembly Government is providing an all-Wales stock holding list to salt suppliers so that they can prioritise deliveries to local authorities.

The cold snap has already caused some disruption to refuse/recycling collections, however, crews are continuing to make collections where access allows. If householders experience a missed collection, they are being advised to take in any uncollected waste and put out on their next scheduled collection day.

For information on disruptions to schools please visit or tune in to your local radio station.

Mr Workman added: “We do everything we can to keep roads in Carmarthenshire safe during the winter. All our vehicles and crews have been fully deployed over the whole of the Christmas and New Year period and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. We would advise residents to take extra care during harsh weather conditions such as these.”


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