Cash boost for Brunel Dock Society

The Brunel Dock Society has received a £200 cash boost thanks to Neath Port Talbot Council.

The authority has donated the money received from car parking fees at the Quays when the Balmoral cruise ship sailed into Briton Ferry dock on August Bank  Holiday.

The car park fees went towards the cost of the special day, the eventual restoration of the Brunel Dock as well as the regeneration of the area.

Secretary and founder of the Brunel Dock project, Hugh James, said, “We are delighted to receive this cheque from the Council and welcome much needed funds for the project.

“The cruise was a day to remember. Many people boarded the ship and just as many lined the river to see the first cruise ship sail out of the dock in 60 years.

“2011 will be the 150th birthday of the opening of the dock back in 1861 and, together with Neath Port Talbot Council, great celebrations are being planned.

Council Leader, Ali Thomas, was on board for the historic voyage.

“I’m delighted to present this cheque to the Brunel Dock Society. The regeneration of the Briton Ferry dock is a major part of our waterfront strategy and I look forward to seeing our ambitions for the dock area realised.”

Photograph: Pictured presenting the cheque is Council Leader Ali Thomas (Centre) Also pictured l-r is head of Regeneration Gareth Nutt, Regeneration Officer Delyth Lewis, Stan Atherton and Hugh Jenkins from the Brunel Dock Society

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