Clock Tower

The historic Carmarthen Clock Tower will be a highlight of the new St Catherine’s development.

The clock tower will be at the far end of the two rows of small shops by Carmarthen market and the land in between will be used for the outdoor market.

The Clock Tower was built as part of the new Carmarthen Market in1846 by F.E.H. Fowler of London. The site of the market was known as Parcyvelvet fields. Fowler’s design was selected by competition, but the winning plans were revised to reduce cost. The whole complex cost £5,600.

A large part of the old market was damaged by fire in 1929 and rebuilt. It was then demolished again for a new market hall by J. Vergette of Percy Thomas Partnership in 1981. The clock tower was restored at the same time.

It is a two-storey square tower of brown rubble stone, Italianate style, with arched openings, and a square timber clock turret.

It was Listed back in 1981 as a characterful early Victorian clock tower in Italianate style, a significant relic of the Nineteenth Century Market.


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