Come and visit the North Wales Police at the Anglesey Show

Are you attending this year’s Anglesey County Show? If so, why not come and visit North Wales Police and have your say about the issues which matter to you.

North Wales Police will be at this year’s show on the 10th and 11th of August at the Anglesey Showground in Gwalchmai. Police officers, PCSO’s and staff will have representatives at the FUW stand, Ynys Mon Community Safety Partnership, the Local Criminal Justice stand and Anglesey County Council’s Trading Standards stand

Have your say with ‘Balance your Bobbies’

The Local Criminal Justice Board will be located on stand 102. Here you will be able to:

  • Vote on the issues that matter to you with our ‘Balance your Bobbies’ initiative – tell us what you would like to see the police tackle in your community
  • Have your fingerprints taken which will then be inserted into a special keyring
  • Speak to officers regarding any concerns you may have

Have you ever wondered what a prison cell really looks like?

The stand will also have the North Wales Criminal Justice Boards’ Mobile Prison Cell Unit – which is part of a campaign to steer young people away from a life of crime.

To show youngsters what prison is really like a trailer has been converted into a very real looking prison cell.

Appropriately, the conversion work was carried out by inmates at Altcourse Prison, in Liverpool. Better still, the money to pay for the project has come from the ill-gotten gains of criminals.

There will also be an opportunity to take part on ‘The Wheel of Justice’ – a Mythbusting Criminal Justice quiz with prizes galore on offer.

Meet the Community Safety Team at the FUW stand

Officers will also be present at The Farmers Union of Wales stand. Here you will be able to:

  • Speak to an officer or PCSO regarding any concerns you have relating to rural crime
  • Receive crime prevention advice and literature

Come and meet ‘Mr Iceman’

There will also be a frosty reception at Anglesey County Council’s Trading Standards stand where Mr Iceman from the All Wales Doorstep Campaign will be lurking!

Here you will be able to:

  • Obtain information regarding the latest All Wales Doorstep Crime Campaign – an awareness campaign which was recently launched to help reduce doorstep crime.
  • Speak to a police officer or Trading Standards officer regarding any concerns you may have or if you suspect that cold callers / rogue traders are operating in your area.
  • Get information on how to set up a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ in your neighbourhood.

Inspector Guy Blackwell from the Community Safety Team said: “If you are visiting the Show this year I encourage you to come and have a chat with us.

“We see close engagement with our communities as key to making people feel reassured and that we are listening to their needs and we very much look forward to the event.”


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