International Summer School

Every year Glamorgan Business School welcomes students from the USA, Central America, and Germany to its Summer School. The theme of the Summer School this year is economic development and international management.

Students will have the opportunity to take part in guest lectures from renowned academics including Prof Tom Peisl, University of Munich, and Prof Steve Baumgarten, the accompanying professor with the University of South Florida students.

Prof Peisl will present an international case study that will challenge students to think about managing business in our increasingly globalised world, an apt theme for an international Summer School. Prof Steve Baumgarten will look at European markets from an American cultural perspective.

Both guest lecturers will also discuss the importance of attracting business to countries via inward investment, a theme that will be further explored by field trips to multinational companies that are based in Wales such as GE Healthcare and German company Bottcher.

Students will also gain an insight into Welsh culture by visiting industrial heritage site the Big Pit as well as sampling Welsh food and drink.

Principal Lecturer Bob Morgan, who organises the Summer School every year, commented:
“I always look forward to welcoming the students, it’s always a pleasure to meet and teach students from across the world.”

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