Community pull out the stops to give couple perfect dreams

A community has rallied round to help a Colwyn Bay couple who were subjected to a distraction burglary.

On 29th January, Burt and Flo Hancock, from the Glyn Estate in Colwyn Bay, were subjected to a distraction burglary, when a young man attended their home claiming to be from the water board. He stated there was an emergency and he had to check their water.

Whilst he entered the kitchen with Mr and Mrs Hancock a second person entered their home and stole £400 from their bedroom. This was money they had saved up over several months to buy a new mattress for their bed.

The incident left Mr and Mrs Hancock distressed, scared and penniless.  They could not bear to sleep in the bedroom in fear of persons re entering their home and resorted to sleeping upright in their living room.

Aware of this, the community pulled together and supported Mr and Mrs Hancock through the harrowing experience.  And with the help of North Wales Police they approached ‘Perfect Dreams Bed and Furniture Store in Colwyn Bay, who generously provided Mr and Mrs Hancock with, not only a new mattress, but a brand new bed as well.

Mrs Hancock said: “I cannot believe peoples generosity and I am truly speechless. Everyone has been so kind; I don’t know what we have done to deserve this. Perfect dreams really have turned this nightmare into a perfect dream.”

Mr and Mrs Hancock would like to thank the local community who have provided them with support and assistance, North Wales Police who, whilst conducting a thorough investigation, have offered reassurance and support ensuring they are safe and well cared for, Conwy County Borough Council who have improved the safety of their bungalow, friends and neighbours and last but not least, Perfect Dreams for their overwhelming generosity.

Police are appealing to anyone who may have information relating the burglary or who may have seen people acting suspiciously in the area to contact officers at Colwyn Bay Police Station on 101, 0845 6071001 (Welsh line), 0845 60710012 (English line) or Crimestoppers Wales anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Alternatively send a text message to 66767 or email –

Photograph: PC2596 Sian Jones, CBM for the Glyn Ward; Donna Molyneux of Perfect Dreams together with Mr and Mrs Hancock.
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