Speeding Motorists Targeted In Penarth

The Cornerswell and Stanwell Neighbourhood Policing Teams in Penarth have started an operation to target speeding motorists in residential areas.

Officers are being deployed with hand held speed guns at different locations, particularly along Redlands Road, not only monitor but to deter car drivers who flaunt the speed limits.

Excessive speed has been identified as a concern for local residents during recent local PACT meetings.  The Vale of Glamorgan council have recently conducted a traffic survey and are working with the police to find a long term solution to the issue.

Penarth Neighbourhood Officer, PC Emma Fitzgerald said: “We have been working closely with the local councillors for the two wards to develop operation Conquer.

“It will be a continuing initiative which will cover several areas and will try and target times that have been identified as particularly problematic for residents.

“Motorists will not know where or when we will be carrying out these operations so the best advice is to slow down so you won’t get caught.”

Early results from two two-hour exercises on Redlands Road saw a total of 552 vehicles monitored by the speed camera with an average speed of just over 26 mph.  Over these vehicles 32 were exceeding the 30 mph speed limit.  Three were issued with endorsable Fixed Penalty Notices and the remainder were only slightly over the speed limit and were given verbal warnings.

Neighbourhood Policing Inspector for Penarth, Chris Owen said: “We will be taking steps to enforce the speed limit in this area.  We will not tolerate inconsiderate and potentially dangerous driving along what is a very busy thoroughfare.

“Speed limits are put in place to ensure the safety of motorists and other road users as well as of pedestrians.  Specially trained officers will carry out regular speed checks in the area and will take positive action where appropriate.”

Photograph: PC Emma Fitzgerald monitors the speed on traffic with the support of PCSO Surinder Singh Taak
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