Conservatives: “Caerphilly Council Tax Freeze Can Be Delivered Without Cuts”

Caerphilly Conservative Council hopefuls have backed plans to freeze council tax for two years in the County Borough.

The news comes as Council’s across Wales force up local taxes by up to 4.9%. Caerphilly is the only borough to be recommending a freeze.

They announced support for the Council’s plans and criticised remarks from Caerphilly’s Labour AM, Jeff Cuthbert, who described the plan as undeliverable.

Speaking in favour of a freeze, Conservative council spokeswoman Elizabeth Evans said:

“There is clearly capacity for a freeze – if not a cut – in council tax. Families in Caerphilly are seeing household budgets squeezed with inflation, pay freezes and tax rises all taking a bite. The last thing we need is the Council adding to the pressure.”

She added:

“I hope that the Council deliver on their proposal for a two year freeze and that Plaid are not simply making promises to gain headlines ahead of elections this year and next.”

“Labour has a lot to answer for to the people of Caerphilly. Their Government got us into this mess by failing to prepare for a recession, and letting the national debt spiral out of control. Piling on the pressure by calling for an increase in council tax – as Mr Cuthbert seems to be doing – is completely unacceptable.”

In England, the Coalition Government is working with local councils to fund a freeze in council tax for the next two years, in exchange for a package of cost-savings that protect frontline services.

Mrs Evans concluded:

“Conservatives in Caerphilly want to see the council deliver more for less. A tax freeze can be delivered without cuts. Announcements by Welsh Police Authorities this week have demonstrated that cost savings can be found in public services that do not impact on frontline delivery. It is time that Caerphilly Council started finding those savings!”


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