Consultation ends on future provision of Monmouthshire tourist information

Consultation on the future provision of tourist information in Monmouthshire has now come to an end.

Cllr Bob Greenland, Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Modernisation, Enterprise & Communications, said:

“I’m really pleased with the response to our consultation on the future of this important service.  Some people thought we were proposing to close our tourist information centres.  They were wrong.  We were looking at ways of making the experience we offer to visitors better and that meant examining lots of ideas for consideration.  Our previous research indicated that despite the excellent staff employed in our Tourist Information Centres (TICs), Monmouthshire does not get a great return on the investment we put in.  So we asked a range of people, including those who work directly with tourists who come to our beautiful county what they thought.”

He continued: “We are committed to ensuring that Monmouthshire’s tourism services are developed in the most effective and cutting-edge ways.  So as well as views on the future of TICs we sought ideas for innovative and interactive digital tourist information services.”

The council will now produce a report on the findings from the consultation.  This will be presented to the council’s Economy and Development Select Committee.  Once they have given their views the final proposals will be presented to the council’s Cabinet in the spring.


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