Conwy’s Cabinet proposes a 3.71% Council Tax rise

At a meeting of the Cabinet yesterday afternoon [22/02/11], Members supported the draft budget for 2011/12, which will be presented to a meeting of the full Council on 8 March.

Council Tax at Band D in Conwy has been the lowest in North Wales for a number of years and is currently the fifth lowest in England and Wales.

Cabinet Members supported the proposal that Conwy County Borough Council’s part of the Band D Council Tax for 2011/12 be £850.59.

That’s an increase of £30.43 (equivalent to 59p per week).

Cllr Meirion Hughes, Cabinet Member for Finance said: “Officers and Members have been preparing this budget for over 12months. It’s been a very complicated and at times difficult process but we have identified savings of almost £6million.”

“Last week we received information from the Local Government Employers confirming a pay freeze for local government employees.  Our draft budget included an allocation for pay, so Cabinet Members have today agreed that this saving be passed straight to the taxpayer.”

“We believe this is a robust budget for 2011/12, but we will continue to face significant financial challenges over the next few years.”


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