Council recruits business support to benefit Llandudno Junction

Work starts next week to improve pedestrian access to a popular leisure area.

Conwy County Borough Council’s project to improve pedestrian access on the Ffordd 6G Road, Llandudno Junction starts on Monday, and has the support of two food businesses based at the site.

As part of the Llandudno Junction Regeneration Programme, the work will involve widening the verge to provide a new pavement on the eastern side of the Ffordd 6G Road, which runs over Llandudno Junction and Conway Road Railway bridges.

Both community and businesses should benefit from improving the links between the Conwy Road/Weekly News roundabout and the cinema/leisure area.

Conwy County Borough Councillors are heavily involved in the regeneration of Llandudno Junction and are supportive of this project.

Cllr Meirion Hughes said, “We need to make sure that there are easy and excellent levels of accessibility around local facilities.  This improves the choice of routes for the community and enables businesses to benefit from the increased footfall of pedestrians.”

Cllr Mike Priestley said, “This is the Council and businesses working together for the benefit of Llandudno Junction.  We’re pleased that businesses such as McDonald’s and KFC are on board and supportive of the Regeneration Programme.”

“Further investment will follow to improve the environment around some of the less attractive routes and to enhance the streetscape in the Conwy Road area.”

New Llandudno Junction Councillor Sue Shotter said, “This is exactly the kind of scheme I welcome and I’m looking forward to getting fully involved.”

Work on the new pavement is scheduled to start on 7th February 2011 and is expected to take about 8 weeks.

Whilst work is taking place, traffic management will allow 2-way traffic on Ffordd 6G.  However, there will be some occasions when traffic light/stop go boards will be required.  The pedestrian route on to the east verge of Ffordd 6G will be closed. The underpass beneath Conway Road bridge will remain open.


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