Council tax Recommendation

Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet is recommending a 3.4% increase (£22.62p) in Council Tax for 2010/11.

The increase would mean a Band D payment of £687.96p

The proposed rise was approved at a meeting of the Cabinet this morning.

The Leader of the Council, Councillor John Davies, said the increase would enable the Council to maintain services, although there would be challenges to service provision.

“We cannot escape the fact that hard times are upon us,” he said.

“Over the last few years we have seen a significant drop in the financial support we receive from national government, which is understandable given the state of the public purse. I have no doubt that we shall see even further cuts after the next election whichever party is in power.”

The recommendation w ill now be sent to referred to all four of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny committees for consideration.

A final decision will be made at full Council on February 25th.

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