Counsel General speaks of hopes for a transformed legal landscape

The Welsh Assembly Government’s Counsel General has spoken about his vision for access to all into the legal profession.

John Griffiths went back to the very place where he himself graduated from, to talk to a new generation of lawyers studying at Cardiff Law School.

As well as explaining more about his role as the chief legal adviser to the Welsh Assembly Government, he told Cardiff University students why he felt passionate about a wider access into law.

He said:

“I come from a strong working class background, in Pill, Newport and my appointment as Counsel General means all the more to me in view of this.”

Mr Griffiths said the legal profession should better reflect the whole of society and that nobody who has the ability to succeed as a lawyer, should face insurmountable barriers to prevent them from doing so.

The Counsel General said:

“I am sure that there is an awful lot of potential out there that Wales is losing out on.

“I want to ensure that, in Wales, we are doing everything within our powers to ensure everyone who wishes to succeed in the legal profession has the opportunity to do so.”

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