Davies: AWEMA – Historic government complacency or ignorance?

The Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly has accused the Welsh Labour Government of serious failings regarding a race relations body over a number of years.

Asking an urgent question in the assembly, Andrew RT Davies AM requested an explanation on ‘why no action was taken by the Welsh Government, following recommendations in a 2004 report into the All Wales Ethnic Minority Association, to suspend all funding to the body until significant improvements in performance management had been made’.

Despite the recommendation, the Welsh government continued to fund the charity until a recent report highlighted more serious allegations. During that time it received eight point five million pounds in public money.

Today’s urgent question followed Welsh Conservative calls for transparency in the government’s current investigation into Awema.

Mr Davies said:

“It is now eight years since the government received this very clear recommendation which they appear to have completely ignored. During that time significant sums of public money continued to be given to the charity.

“Either successive Labour governments have been so complacent that they didn’t realise serious reform and scrutiny was needed at Awema, or the issue simply wasn’t taken seriously.

“We already know the family of the charity’s CEO has prominent links with the Labour party. There are very clear photos of them campaigning with Carwyn Jones during last year’s Assembly elections.

“Despite that I have received no reply to a letter sent to the First Minister on Friday, asking for assurances that all decisions regarding Awema had been – and would be – taken with due diligence.

“There is a very bleak perception that – historically – this issue simply hasn’t been given the prominence or importance that it should have been.

“Despite the timing of tomorrow’s third official report into the charity, and its publication shortly before the assembly’s half-term recess, it’s absolutely critical that its findings receive proper scrutiny from Assembly Members across all political parties.”


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