Davies: Explanations sought over NHS workforce U-turn

Welsh Conservatives today sought answers from the Health Minister for her apparent U-turn on workforce planning in the NHS’ Annual Operating Framework.

The Minister has issued revised guidance to NHS organisations, withdrawing proposals which would have seen reductions in the most experienced and highly qualified clinicians.  The reduction in staff on Agenda for Change band 5 and above was to be matched by an increase in band 1-4 staff, effectively reducing the experience and cost of NHS staff.

NHS organisations remain tasked with increasing staffing levels for band 1-4 employees by 3% each year between 2010 and 2013, but the Minister has failed to give any indication as to how LHBs should meet these new financial commitments.

Shadow Health Minister Andrew RT Davies said, “Seeking to replace experienced and highly qualified frontline staff with less experienced workers was a bizarre way to save NHS cash and threatened to reduce the quality mix of the NHS workforce.

“While I am relieved that the Minister has performed this U-turn, she has failed to explain how LHBs are to pay for this increase in junior NHS staff.

“Instructions to increase staffing levels are meaningless unless they are backed up with the necessary funds to pay for them.

“Health Boards across Wales are already under considerable financial pressures to meet existing commitments, not least because the Minister is keeping some of the highest paid NHS bureaucrats in post despite their jobs having been axed in the reorganisation.

“I look forward to the Minister’s explanation for her about turn in policy and hope that she is not dropping the obligation to cut senior clinician roles knowing that LHBs may still be forced by financial constraints to consider such a move.”


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