Davies: Legislative plans miss economic opportunity

Commenting on the Welsh Labour Government’s legislative programme, Paul Davies AM, Acting Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly, said:

“What is lacking in this statement is a clear strategy to stimulate the Welsh economy by encouraging entrepreneurship and helping small businesses to expand and create jobs.

“The strength of the Welsh economy is vital to the living standards of families across Wales and the Welsh Labour Government’s failure to introduce Enterprise Zones to stimulate growth or to abolish business rates to support small businesses represents a missed opportunity.

“Given Welsh Labour’s failures over the past 12 years, we need to see a dramatic improvement in public services and the Welsh economy over the next five years.

“With systemic failure in the Welsh education system, soaring waiting lists in the Welsh NHS, and senior figures warning that ‘next to nothing’ has been achieved with government spending on economic development, the Welsh Government needs to show that it has the ideas and the policies to turn around this desperate state of affairs.

“Without a majority, Welsh Labour will need to end the tribalism of the past and work constructively with other parties in the Welsh national interest.

“When the Government brings forward well-crafted and costed legislation, Welsh Conservatives will co-operate with the government in making our communities safer, healthier and more prosperous.

“Where Welsh Conservatives have campaigned for action, to tackle public health inequalities and improve access to food hygiene information for consumers, we will work constructively with the government to deliver for the people of Wales.”

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