Davies: Newport’s Chartist mural must be secured

chartistmuralCommenting on the ongoing uncertainty over the future of Newport’s Chartist mural, following the decisions of Cadw and Newport Council not to protect it, Suzy Davies AM, Shadow Minister for Heritage, said:

“These disappointing decisions by both Newport Council and Cadw to fail to protect the mural, demonstrates a lack of appreciation for Welsh heritage and the role of the Chartists in securing the democratic privileges we all enjoy.

“It is a poor reflection on Labour’s Heritage Minister that he appears to have been unable to help save such an iconic piece of art in his own city of Newport.

“I strongly urge the Welsh Government to intervene to help secure this mural for the future and act where Newport Council and Cadw have failed.”

Mohammad Asghar, Assembly Member for South Wales East, said, “The Chartists played a proud role in the history of Newport and to erase their fight from people’s memories by losing this mural would be disappointing.

“We need to find a swift solution to save this mural for the enjoyment of future generations without delaying the long overdue redevelopment of Newport city centre.”

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