Davies: NHS target culture undermining patient care

Welsh Conservatives have today raised concerns about delays in patient handover times between ambulances and A&E departments.

Figures obtained by the Welsh Conservatives show that some ambulances are consistently missing the 15 minute handover target to A&E by some way, with the turnaround at Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport frequently achieving less than 50%.

Commenting on the figures, Shadow Health Minister Andrew RT Davies AM said:

“I have heard cases of ambulances queuing outside hospitals as some A&E departments are making them wait to admit a patient until they are confident they will be able to treat them in the 4 hour target time set out by the Assembly Government.

“Sadly, it would seem that the culture of targets that governs the NHS in Wales is taking priority over the best interests of patients’ health in the eyes of clinicians.

“These figures illustrate that the situation is not getting better. It also highlights that the dedication of ambulance staff in trying to improve ambulance response performance is being jeopardised as hospital staff try to meet waiting times in A&E departments.

“Clearly, the clinical needs of patients should come first, not targets.

“I would urge the Minister to look at the current arrangements to ensure that patient well being is at the heart of the NHS in Wales, not ineffective target chasing.”


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