Davies: Welsh Not Returns to Powys

Aled Davies, Leader of the Welsh Conservative Group on Powys CC commenting on the decision to remove Welsh medium education from Llanidloes high school said:

“This decision is appalling, it is like hanging the ‘Welsh Not’ around the neck of Llanidloes High School, In the other schools it is the beginning of the end of bilingual education. We must continue the fight for our children to have the opportunity to be taught in their native tongue at their local high school, next Tuesdays cabinet meeting may be the last chance to seek a change of direction for the Lib Dem/Independent run council.”

In a meeting at Trefeglwys school this week a statement was read out on behalf of Glyn Davies MP:

“Delivering Welsh language education is a principal responsibility of Powys County Council. By removing education through the medium of Welsh from Llanidloes High School, the Council’s Cabinet will have inflicted a mighty blow against the Welsh Language in Powys, as well as undermining the future of the school.

“We will work with our Conservative Councillor colleagues to press the Cabinet to think again before going ahead with a decision which will do such damage to the Welsh Language and the environment.

“This will be a key feature of our manifesto at next year’s Council Elections.”

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