Do You Speak British? Ydych Chi’n Siarad Prydain?

New-WI-LogoThe Welsh language has gone from strength to strength since the dark days of the 1960’s when many thought it would become extinct.  However many of it is supporters say it can be given a further boost by being rebranded as “British”.  

Modern Welsh is derived from the language that the ancient Britons spoke in the time of the Romans and can rightly be referred to as the “the British tongue”.

Gethin Tafod-Ffadfall AM will present a bill to the Welsh Assembly that will officially see to change the name of the Welsh language to British. If the bill becomes law in early 2015 all official documents, publications and signs will refer to the ‘Prydain’ rather than ‘Cymraeg’.

It is hoped that the renaming will raise interest for the British language throughout the UK and it is envisaged that by 2030 all schools in the UK will have to teach both languages as is the current practice in Wales today.

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