Dragon’s Den becomes city hotspot

The Dragon’s Den in Newport city centre is fast becoming the place to visit.

The den was established for local artists to paint and decorate the five foot high fibreglass SuperDragon statues. 50 SuperDragons will descend on Newport and the surrounding area from mid-July creating a trail of creativity for residents and visitors to follow for 10 weeks.

The den has only been open for three weeks but in that short period has regularly attracted more than 100 visitors a day and on the weekend the figures increase dramatically when more than 500 people visit to see the artists at work.

All the chosen SuperDragons designs are on display in the den and visitors can chat to artists and watch them work on their SuperDragons creations. Youngsters can colour in their very own SuperDragon with their pictures then displayed around the den.

The dragon’s den is open to visitors Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 4pm and is situated on Upper Dock Street in Newport city centre.

Below are some comments from visitors to the den

“The dragons look great, looking forward to seeing and photographing them around the city!”

“A brilliant idea, love the designs and the creative idea of the project.”

“Fantastic artwork. Can’t wait to see them in and around Newport.”

“What an experience it is to meet and speak to the artists.”

“Great to tap into local talent – getting artists together it will be a success to be sure.”

“What an amazing project. It put a smile on our faces, fab.”

“What a fantastic idea. Can’t wait to go dragon spotting with the children when they finally get ‘released’.”

You can keep up-to-date with the artist’s progress by visiting the SuperDragons Facebook group as this will be regularly updated with photographs and information.


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