Drivers to Have Eyes Tested at the Roadside

GwentpoliceDo you drive? If so, when did you last have your eyes tested?

Throughout February Gwent roads policing officers will be running an eyesight campaign – ensuring that those behind the wheel are safe to be on our roads.

Statistics show that a third of all drivers in Britain*, could be breaking the law because of their poor eyesight and are therefore presenting a serious and immediate risk to themselves and other road users.

Officers will be carrying out roadside eye tests following collisions, as well as stopping vehicles to test drivers if they have reason to do so. The test will involve the driver reading a registration plate, in daylight, from a specified distance (as you would have done when you passed your driving test). If the driver is wearing glasses/contact lenses at the time they are stopped they will take the test with these.

If the driver fails the test they will be reported for the offence and the DVLA will be contacted for them to consider licence revocation. In extreme cases the licence can be revoked immediately.

Sgt Keith Rich running the operation said:

“Many people may think their eyesight is an acceptable standard for driving, however it may have gradually deteriorated over time without them even realising.

“It is so important to get your eyes checked regularly; this is a basic and fundamental requirement for driving and road safety.

“Please be responsible and take this as a reminder to visit the opticians, the alternative could mean you risk losing your licence.”

* Royal National Institute for the Blind

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