Drovers art

The drovers’ tableau destined to form a centrepiece of the St Catherine’s development in Carmarthen is taking shape at a studio in Newcastle Emlyn.

Vulnerable adults are helping to create the tableau of a drover and his sheepdog herding a sheep and goose. It has been chosen to fit with the history of the area of the former livestock mart.

The drover and dog will be made of stainless steel and the sheep and goose made of stainless steel with brass highlights.

The designs have been commissioned by the developers Simons Developments and are being produced by local artist Tony Woodman who is being helped by people who attend the Carmarthenshire Adult Placement Scheme, which offers long-term or respite care with families for people with learning disabilities.

Mr Woodman said: “They are really enjoying the work and I am enjoying working with them. The drover and the sheep are completed and are looking good.”


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