Dyfed Powys Police Welcome the HMI Report Card

Results published today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary show that Dyfed Powys Police are performing well and are still leading the way in England and Wales in terms of crime and detection.

Whilst the report shows there are still some areas for improvement the overall results are very good.

Chief Constable Ian Arundale welcomed the results, “We accept and welcome the findings of Dru Sharpling, our HMI. The report shows that per 1,000 population we have the lowest vehicle crime, burglary and gun crime in England and Wales, we have the third lowest violent assault and serious sexual assault and the sixth lowest instances of knife crime.

“Our grades show that we deliver a consistent service at what the HMI rate as a low/medium cost per household.

“We know that in some areas we have a little more work to do, but have already put plans in place to improve the services that have been highlighted.

“Putting these results in context, we have the lowest crime rates in England and Wales with the highest detection rates. The British Crime Survey that is carried out independently of the Force, shows that we have the lowest levels of perceived anti social behaviour in England and Wales and the third highest number of people who feel we deal with things that matter in their community.

“Now we need to get these messages out to people. We want people living in Dyfed Powys to be confident that as well as being safe, they can feel safe. We are also working with our partners to ensure we continue to deliver services at a time when the public purse strings are tightening.

“Our officers and staff are working hard to deliver the ten promises set out in our Policing Pledge and are determined to do our best to ensure that people feel confident that the Police in Dyfed Powys are doing a good job and are dealing with issues that matter to our residents.”

Gwyn Hopkins Vice-Chair of the Police Authority said, “We welcome the findings of the Police Report Card and will continue to seek assurances on behalf of the community of Dyfed Powys that the areas for development detailed within the report are progressed efficiently and effectively.  We are also pleased that the HMIC have recognised that Dyfed Powys is a safe place to live and visit and this is testament to the good working relationship between the Police Service and the Police Authority.”

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