Eluned Parrott AM: M4 Relief Road must be just one part of the South Wales Transport Jigsaw

Eluned Parrott AM Portrait 2Welsh Liberal Democrat AM Eluned Parrott has called for Welsh Government to think more broadly to address transport issues around the M4 in South East Wales.

The Welsh Liberal Democrat Transport spokesperson will reiterate her party’s preference for an integrated approach that combines, investment in pubic and sustainable transport alongside road improvements instead of building a new M4.

Eluned Parrott said:

“I don’t believe a new motorway at a cost of £936million is the best solution for moving people and goods in and out of South Wales.

“The M4 around Newport is indeed a bottleneck but there are numerous often spoke about improvement schemes which can help alleviate some of the traffic in this area.

“Improving the A48 and the old steel works road is the obvious first step. This will remove a large amount of local traffic from the main M4 who use the motorway for short journeys, relieving a large amount of congestion, especially at peak times. This will also improve the diversionary route should the main M4 ever be closed again.

“A direct rail service from Newport to Ebbw Vale has also been a key aspiration of both the Welsh Government and Newport Council and now is the time for this to be introduced.

“In South Wales we also have a once in a life time chance to massively boost passenger capacity on our rail network and get commuters, shoppers and visitors out of their cars and onto trains with the electrification of the Valleys Network, new trains and the possible Metro Project.

“We also need the Welsh Government to urgently work with the UK Government to look at improving freight capacity throughout South Wales with the aim of getting heavy long distance freight off our roads.

“In short, we need an integrated approach that is sustainable in the long term.”

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