Events of Olympic proportions on Denbighshire’s sporting calendar

With Olympic mania gripping the nation, Denbighshire is arranging four events to get young people in the county enthusiastic about sport.

To celebrate the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympic Games,  the 5×60 Officers from Denbighshire County Council Leisure Services and Young Ambassadors  dedicated to championing sports in the county have organised four events in May.

Each high school in the county has been invited to take along a squad to the following events:

  • Thursday,  3rd May – Cycling at Marsh Tracks in Rhyl
  • Wednesday, 9th May – Watersports in Llangollen
  • Wednesday,  16th May – Racquet Sports (tennis, badminton and squash) in Prestatyn
  • Wednesday,  23rd May – Team sports (hockey and football) including paralympic sports in St Asaph.

All events are taking place after school and up to 600 young people will be taking part. After the last event the school that has collected the most points will be presented with a trophy which can be proudly displayed in the school for the next four years.

Jamie Groves, Denbighshire’s Head of Libraries, Leisure and Community Development said: “This is a great opportunity for young people from all the county’s high schools to come together and celebrate the 2012 Olympic Games locally.

“The Olympic Games has been a catalyst for many Councils across the country to raise the profile of sports and get young people interested in health and fitness.  In Denbighshire we have a great programme of activities in place to help showcase sporting talent, whilst getting everyone interested in activities at all levels.”

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